Mount testing


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Ya know, I think I just shot this one (at five times the focal length) around the last full Moon – and here I am again. Naturally, the gradients from our hazy skies  were horrific. I guess I just enjoy the challenge. I’ll probably clean this one up a bit when my mood improves but here’s what I have so far. The link at the end of this post will go to this version, or to an improved version if I update it later.

FSQ-106N and QSI683WSG-8 on LX850.

6 exposures 7 minutes L, 6 exposures each of 3 minutes R, G, B. I had intended to go longer with the L, but it saturated on skyglow at 8 minutes.



undermountedUndermounted? ; )

The LX850 is breathing a sigh of relief after being unburdened of the 12″ SCT. It’s been replaced for now with the FSQ-106N. Dunno what that weighs (it is VERY heavy for a 4″ F/5 telescope) but it’s obviously much less than the Meade.

I’m winding down on the long focal length stuff. The aftermarket add-on focuser I use on the Meade needs to go in for service so I’ll be switching to the FSQ-106N for a while. I still have a couple of images captured with the Meade to post but those will be the last until I get both telescopes set up side by side.





Finally had some decent seeing last night. No deconvolution or sharpening required. Starlock did a great job at .88 arcseconds/pixel. 8  exposures of ten minutes each Ha and OIII, artificial green channel. I will tone the red down when time permits but here’s what I have so far.


More at



Finally – another RGB image. Narrowband filters won’t help with this one. It’s very dim. I just wanted to see what could be done with it from my urban location. It isn’t great, but it’s much better than I expected! Seven five minute exposures each R, G, B (no time for L on a work night). Usual gear; 12″ LX850, QSI683WSG-8.


Larger version:





I’m kind of locked into this bicolor narrowband mode – but at least I stumbled onto an appropriately sized target this time. It’s a nice, big planetary nebula. As usual, the sky didn’t cooperate during the weekend so this was another worknight (read “in a  hurry to get to bed”) shot. Grabbed an hour each Ha and OIII. Still using the 12″ Meade LX850 and the QSI683WSG-8.


Can be seen at and presumably that one will get updated as time is found to tune up the processing.



Not a great night fopr imaging; transparency was as bad as the Clear Sky Chart said it would be so even with 8 minute exposures it was noisy. Cleaned it up as best I could in a hurry so I can go to bed (work day tomorrow). I might be able to do a more gentle job later. 48 minutes each Ha and OIII, 12″ Meade LX850, QSI683WSG-8 – as usual. I’ll be switching to the FSQ-106N soon. This target makes much more sense at that scale!


Larger version at