Got the panel built. I made a few changes from the initally proposed layout, mostly for cosmetic reasons (and, speaking of cosmetics, I WILL be cleaning up some of those rough edges at some point!). I changed to illuminated rocker switches for the pumps and main power to simplify the panel. I changed the chiller output temperature display to a (mostly wasted) PID to reduce panel space usage and to match the PIDs that are actually being used as PIDs. The panel is reasonably uncluttered and should look OK once the lettering arrives and is applied. The bottom panel is a little busier than I had in mind but all of the inputs and outputs are required so it is what it is.
Here’s the front of the panel with a legend of device functions:
Now the holdup is the new stand. I expected it weeks ago but haven’t yet received a firm shipping date (just a series of “next week” predictions).